Saturday, November 19, 2011

Canvass for a Cause...

Two members of OccupYrCorner were present at the San Diego Civic Center Saturday the 19th to attend  Canvass for a Causes's "Knock for Occupation" teach-in which was extremely informative for our concept. The duo that ran the seminar were amazing and cool under pressure (the cops were trying to "legally confiscate" our bagels and hummus... obviously they were hungry) which the Canvass for a Cause Reps handled with precision and confidence. There were a ton of cameras on the cops as they were being informed of their legal jurisdiction by these two. The cops scattered. It was rad.

The training itself was very informative and gave a lot of points on things that we have discussed at meeting or out on Corners. I plan on go over a lot of that at our next meeting! Some things to consider:

  • Making eye contact at farther distances
  • About when to ask names when talking to people
  • About having voting registration forms and other materials
  • About connecting with Canvass for a Cause on more


It's Official: The OccupYrCorner concept is spreading!

We've been getting reports in from Santa Fe, NM; Chula Vista, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Florida; and City Heights CA! They've been talking about it in the OccupySD emailers for a while, but now some of the Corner camps are starting to make Wednesday the weekly day to Occupy Corners! Let's make it official in conjunction with the rest!

See!? Here's a Corner Occupyer found on the net! 



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