Idle No More
On January 1st, 2013 the indigenous people of San Diego stood up in solidarity with native people's across the globe in opposition of colonial expansion and imperialist destruction of the Earth, the treaties signed amongst the various nations that have been violated, and the further development of extreme energy initiatives such as fracking, and Tar Sands gas extraction. A large contingent of San Diego Occupiers and Activists were in attendance, as we all took an observers role in the circle dance, chanting, and speeches by local native American tribes and leaders.
1 Billion Rising
On Valentines Day, members of OYC, OSD, WOSD, CFAC, ISO, and OLB all took part in the 1 Billion Rising Call to Action. This event coincided with cities across the globe for people to stand up, walk out, and rally against violence against women, rape, and sexual inequality. Women and men from all over San Diego marched, rallied, and danced into the night as WOSD and OLB members shined their support, ISO members made connections for the future revolution, and CFAC stood in solidarity with their sisters and brothers in the fight.
Justice for Victor Ortega
In February, members of OYC took part in a powerful display in front of the San Diego Courthouse as members of Victor Ortega's Family, members of the community, CFAC, ISO, CAPB and Occupy San Diego stood up for the injustice served to Victor. 45 of us crowded Dumanis' office only to be turned away by her secretary. With multiple film crews from various local stations, not showing her face was more embarrassing for her then actually accepting the 1000 signatures collected to demand Officer McCarthy be taken off the beat and face the heat of his crime. During the protest, member of OYC left the crowd to talk to passerby on the corners about the murder of Victor Ortega, and members of OYC and the ISO staged a last minute corner occupation the night before to rally the public and get them over to the Courthouse the next day.
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