Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Occupation of Corners

Are you unsure about the effect that you are presently having on society around you right now? Are you starting to feel weary and pessimistic about whether the effects that you are seeing and feeling are felt by others in your city? Are you starting to think that you are yelling and not one person is willing to listen?

Then take an hour, make yourself a sign, and go outside. Stand on a busy corner and smile. Depending on the size and content of your sign (the bigger and more pro-active, the better) something quite extraordinary will begin to happen. People will mostly at first just walk by, some will not notice or are trained to ignore, but there will begin to be "looks". Not particularly angry looks, not even ones at you yourself, but at your sign. At what it's saying.

You'll see a head turn. You'll see a smile. You'll see a concerned look. You'll see a mouth sounding out the words. You'll see a smirk. Then an eye will dart to yours, and you'll see a connection with a complete stranger. A thumbs-up here. A high-five there. Someone repeating the sign out loud as they pass.

People will begin to talk to you, all in passing. "I hear ya!" "Exactly!" "That's right!" as they go on about their day.

Then this one and singularly magical thing will occur: someone will stop and ask you "What's this all about?" Or "Is this involved with the Occupy thing? How's that going?" Or "How does this effect me so much that you are out here doing this?" Then communication takes hold.

You end up speaking one-on-one with the very people you are fighting for. You hear their tales of woe, their talks of support, their dreams of better society, for them and their loved ones. You even hear their  insecurity about the Occupy movement, opening up a chance to highlight shared views and concerns. A troubled mortgage for an eager worker without work. A mother alone, struggling. A college student wanting to understand; wanting an education that leads to a future. A worker trying to squeeze more hours into and out of the day. A pink slip on the way.

But, you also get the hear how on top of it they are in terms of banking misconduct, mortgage frauds, paid politics, fake news, and inequality.

You get a chance to talk to them on the sidewalk - not yell at them from the street - and let them know they don't have to hide this aggravation anymore. It is not something to be ashamed about! It can be voiced, and for your health and the health of society, it should! That this movement is working to create a space and forum that which average citizens have the opportunity to air their grievances and talk about their troubles without judgement or penalty. That, together, as a people, we no longer have to feel America is someone else's. That it can be reclaimed as everyone's, more equally, more compassionately, and more humanely.

And all you are doing is holding a sign on a corner.

I've rattled on enough about Occupying Corners—you all have Occupying to do—but I will leave you with this one final note: when no one is on the sidewalks and the lights turn from red to green, there is no rush like knowing those honking cars, those thumbs-ups and peace-fingers from behind windshields, those yells of "OCCUPY!" from passenger windows are because you actually really aren't alone on a corner. You're on the edge of the future, like everyone else.

The San Diego OccupYrCorner group will be meeting at the Libertalia Cafe in Hillcrest, San Diego at 7 tonight, November 3oth in solidarity with other Corner Occupyers nationwide. Please spread the word to help begin a OccupYrCorner group in your city or town! - visit or site www.occupyrcorner.com for materials and www.facebook.com/groups/occupyrcorner for connections and details!

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Thanksgiving: Occupied

Just a quick note on developments with the rest of the 99% through out America on Thanksgiving: they're with us. I purposefully didn't bring up anything last night at my friends family Thanksgiving Dinner about the OWS movement, as I wanted to see if it really has become a topic on the American dinner table. We didn't even get to the table. 

Turns out that one of the cousins at the dinner attends UC Davis, and the things that came out of her mouth were so fair, so on point, so "right there" when it all happened... with her finger directly on the pulse. The only sense she can give that encapsulates what the students, faculty, staff, as well as businesses and families of the entire town of Davis is "OUTRAGE". Outrage over the use of such needless and obvious violence against young adults and fellow members of their society. Especially stemming from kids wanting an education. From what I learned, the town of David LIVES for and off of that school, and this ridiculous, hate-filled stunt has put the entire town's financial solvency and future on the line due to the massive outpouring of students, support, and next-year's projected low prospective rate.

The activities that day galvanized Davis in such an extreme way: she said the Occupy/protest movement ballooned after that experience and that so many joined the protests on campus that local vendors and area shops were all out of camping gear. Scandals after scandals, she says, have been erupting in the aftermath about the Chancellor, the Police Officer, as well as other officials.

She illustrated that experience was a true eye-opener for her, her school, and for her family. By the end of the night, conversations of constructive civil disobedience, resisting unlawful arrest, and your rights as an American citizen floated freely about among the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and gravy. Not overtaking the dinner, but becoming a welcome part of it.

It's working, OWS, we are making a change…one table at a time… 

See you out there today! We'll be Occupying Corners is San Diego to help bring people to light on topics that really effect them and their families! HAPPY BUY NOTHING FRIDAY!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

OccupYrCorner Wednesday - City Heights, San Diego

We celebrated the first weekly OccupYrCorner Wednesday in solidarity with other Corner Occupiers around the world at the invitation of Occupier Gwen in City Heights, San Diego. Known as a rougher area in SD, City Heights is also very busy with foot and road traffic, so it proved to be a great area to reach out and connect with other 99%ers that may be feeling the grind beset America by the Bankster Plutocracy.

Thanks to Occupiers Kenyan, Susan, and Merton for coming out and representing the 99% far from the Civic Center! Check out some of the shots below, by Occupiers Anoki on his smartphone and Occupier Merton Gaudette, a professional photographer.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week Events and More Pics!

As the week rolls on, we are going to be celebrating OccupYrCorner Wednesday in solidarity with other Corner Occupiers this time in City Heights, San Diego to try and raise some consciousness on what's going on with unwitting 99%ers jobs, finances, rights, and futures! We seem to have a solid group set to go!

Also, it's Buy Local or Nothing Friday, and we are planning to celebrate by taking to the Corners all around San Diego to remind people of the importance of shopping meaningfully, spending consciously, and voting everyday by paying attention to their banks, investments, and politicians!

Many thanks to the Star News for sending out a crew to cover the Chula Vista event! Below are some shots the Star News reporter took and shared on Twitter!


Monday, November 21, 2011

More Photos from OccupYrCorner Chula Vista, CA

Many thanks to Merton Gaudette for this amazing spread of shots from yesterday's OccupYrCorner in Chula Vista, wonderfully organized by Charlene Sabga Pennington and the rest of Occupy Chula Vista!

Solidarity through Saturation! Let America know what's going on and who's really on their side!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

OccupYrCorner Chula Vista - They Came Prepared Rain or Shine!

OccupYrCorner Chula Vista went off today and as reports roll in: a resounding success! 
Many Occupiers took to the streets of Chula Vista, San Diego to spread the word of economic equality, Occupational politics, and the future of America for the young and old. They did it all in the rain and spent many days preparing clothing, immunity boosters, and a game plan to tackle the elements. A million thanks to both Charlene and Ken for getting the Chula Vista leg of OccupYrCorner up and running, and to Susan and Merton and all the rest who travelled down from San Diego to show support! There was even a local news crew present to record the event!

As we compile all of the information and photos together to share with the rest of the Corner Occupations that have sprung up over the last few days, here are some preliminary shots shared by Dave Millette on Facebook! Many thanks to Dave for his quick photojournalism!

More to come! 


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Canvass for a Cause...

Two members of OccupYrCorner were present at the San Diego Civic Center Saturday the 19th to attend  Canvass for a Causes's "Knock for Occupation" teach-in which was extremely informative for our concept. The duo that ran the seminar were amazing and cool under pressure (the cops were trying to "legally confiscate" our bagels and hummus... obviously they were hungry) which the Canvass for a Cause Reps handled with precision and confidence. There were a ton of cameras on the cops as they were being informed of their legal jurisdiction by these two. The cops scattered. It was rad.

The training itself was very informative and gave a lot of points on things that we have discussed at meeting or out on Corners. I plan on go over a lot of that at our next meeting! Some things to consider:

  • Making eye contact at farther distances
  • About when to ask names when talking to people
  • About having voting registration forms and other materials
  • About connecting with Canvass for a Cause on more


It's Official: The OccupYrCorner concept is spreading!

We've been getting reports in from Santa Fe, NM; Chula Vista, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Florida; and City Heights CA! They've been talking about it in the OccupySD emailers for a while, but now some of the Corner camps are starting to make Wednesday the weekly day to Occupy Corners! Let's make it official in conjunction with the rest!

See!? Here's a Corner Occupyer found on the net! 



Friday, November 18, 2011

11.17 - OWS = WINNING!

Yesterday was amazing... I mean really. Fucking incredible... the entire aware, concerned world stood up! I stayed part of the day in to work and volunteer time for non-profits and watch the global events unfold. Merton from across the county and thousands of other Occupiers from across the country, myself included, enjoyed spending the day off and on quietly tag teaming the Twitter/Facebook/G+ feeds with pro-99% information... at times we were flooding the internet with so much positive #ows material, it was unstoppable to just watch the RTs roll! I alone must've signed 30 petitions and forwarded important information all over the world...

I then took my Pocket Protester and walked carefully, casually all around Hillcrest for over an hour: on Corners, at stoplights, passing by restaurants and bars, being obvious to waiting cars... thumbs ups, car honks, and smiles all came my way as I suggested they "Ditch Your Bank - Join a Credit Union" for purely their own benefit. I even walked thru a few stores for supplies, holding my sign at my side very casually, making no big deal: just holding a piece of paper. But it was seen.

Upon return to my computer, I saw the most amazing things: bloody smiling faces of freedom, thousands of people flooding international streets, bridges turned into connections, calls for resignations and reconciliations, little girls screaming into streams of caustic chemicals, anti-OWS journalists denouncing the NYPD and thanking OWS, police videoed molesting women and pulling their hair and clothes off, NYPD attacking and handcuffing sick women to their wheelchairs, tents flying thru the sky, new occupations still springing up months later, police men giving up the ruse and joining their real sisters and brothers, and buildings avenging against their own masters upon the backdrop of a night urban sky.

But most importantly, I've heard speak of the Occupy Movement becoming it's own political party purely for and by the people. It's already generating it's own congressional runners, journalists, media outlets, vendors, unions, industry captains, financial leaders, religious figures, and entertainment icons. It's already making decisions in Congress and Financial Board rooms by pulling the wool from America's eyes day to day. And it's all happening spontaneously, independently, organically, so it begins from a ground that can start carefully – free of lobbying, influence, and greed. It can start, if done correctly, from the heart.

It was and is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever seen. I am so proud of you all... you have restored my faith and belief in what humanity can be, and not what it's become. You are each troopers, soldiers and agents... you each roll with the correct arrangement. You proved that from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands, this is a movement that is not like fire to the world... it is like water. No matter what you do, baby, once your wet your wet: and you just gotta deal with it. So cleanse...


Radiohead artist Stanley Donwood

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

OccupYrCorner Meeting 3: Amazing turnout, Amazing minds

To start off, I must send out a large "THANK YOU" to all who came out tonight... the turnout was amazing! We had 8 Occupiers from different areas, backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and interests all pulling together to try and grow new ways in which this movement can spread and inform others about what is going on with the government, the financial sector, and their lives.

A Review of the Agenda:

Review of 1st Corner Occupation:
  • An overall success!
  • Eye-contact is important.
  • Once you get over the initial fear/discomfort, it's exhilarating to just be available to talk to strangers about important things.
  • Make sure to feel every individual out before you even talk to them. "Where are they today?" "Do they want to talk?" "Are they healthy enough to have a conversation right now?"
  • Work with cars as they are waiting at the light
  • Safety - Work out hand signals; get dollar store whistles; arrange a special hollar and keep your eyes on your Corner mates for any trouble they may be in
  • Safety - If confronted by an upset person, if they are yelling try lowering your voice a few levels. Their interest will make them quiet down to hear what you are saying. If they are mentally unwell and raving, try saying repetitive mantras and phrases to confuse them enough for you to exit. 
  • Appearance is important. We want to look as approachable and accessible as possible; your mileage  may vary.
Review of OYC Materials
  • Overall - we are all generally responsible for our own materials; signs should be personally relavant and heart-felt and friendly, not specifically condemning or naming. 
  • Signs - I can help make individual Pocket Protester signs for every one; we did agree some individuality is good, just keep "-Occupy" as the sign-off. 
  • Site - working well; everyone's happy; create a nav bar at top for downloads and info
  • Blog - Collect emails and give accounts to Blog 
  • Flyers - We have Spanish versions coming and other Spanish materials available
  • Flyers - Google Keyword Sheet/Web Address Handout
  • Flyers - We talked about "Arrest Cards" - a card to drop with your info to say you are arrested (heaven forbid) for your other Occupiers to collect and "Thai Flash Cards" - a hand card to flash waist-high at people that says "Occupy" or "Occupysd.org" when you make eye contact.
Review of OYC Outreach Ideas
  • During marches: We agree to take it upon ourselves to take our signs to the sidewalks and down intersecting streets as the marches go down their route. The object is to inform people what all the ruckus is about. Let them know their rights are being fought for.
  • We talked about creating a "Look for yourself, I don't want to slant your opinion" approach to getting people onboard 
  • We talked about some colors for outreach materials, orange seemed popular
  • Some slogans to use "Protest everyday, no need to stop!" "No Tent Required!" "Don't Stop Marching!"
  • Talk about the amazing things that happen in one-on-one dialogue;  now that we have their attention, let's talk.
  •  We talked about formulating an "elevator speech" to have on hand in mind for coherence and cohesiveness
  • We reviewed new places to consider - Congressional districts: North Park, Hillcrest, etc.
  • This can be done in your neighborhood, any time, any day. You can always carry a sign, even at your side! 
  • OccupYrBumper Sticker
Review of OYC Schedule
  • Thursday the 17th -  Bridge Occupation - 3 members going to represent, I may occupy a corner somewhere
  • Saturday the 19th - "Knock for Occupation" teach-in at CC at 10am; good informational about talking to the public about this
  • Sunday the 20th - OccupYrCorner Chula Vista is happening; we are arranging schedules and rides
  • Black Friday - We Occupy Corners downtown, schedule forthcoming. Some talk about a Fashion Valley walkthru
  • OccupYrCorner Day - we agreed a weekend day soon. More to come.
Review of Legality Issue
  • Wanted to review any legal issues - so far none to be found
  • We are going to tap a legal advisor
  • Certain precedents and laws are already in place in California which protect protesting in public spaces
  • Unlawful Assembly includes 3 or more people within a certain distance from each other (we will be far apart, one to a corner); causing a disturbance (no yelling, no provocative nature or signage); blocking of traffic or business (Please don't do that)
  • Our Pocket Protester signs are within SDPD size limits
  • "Stand Up or Stand Down" - The group agreed we should officially take a non-violent, escapist posture when confronted by authorities; "we can just move to another corner, or do a Walk." HOWEVER, it is highly impressed that this is purely a personal choice issue: if you want to stand up for your rights and possibly get arrested, that's up to you. We will do everything we can to peacefully film the incident from a distance and begin to get you out immediately.
  • A general Good Neighbor Policy should always be employed.
Review of Stack Items
  • We discussed that materials are a self-made experience, but to sign off with "-Occupy"; I can make personalized Pocket Protesters for anyone
  • Discussed expanding out to a "Bodhisattva Day" of mediation, Occupying the corners of CC with meditators of different faiths
  • Discussed Walk-thru Occupations of Horton Plaza, when eating lunch in restaurants (get a window seat), on trolleys
And finally, wonderfully, it was suggested that we repurpose Martin Niemöller's chilling "First they came. You can just hear the new stanzas write themselves out... 

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

OccupYrCorner Meeting 3

We are going to have our 3rd OccupYrCorner meeting at Lestat's on Park, Wednesday, November 16th at 6pm debriefing our latest and first official Corner Occupation from last weekend. We'll be reviewing our individual thoughts and experiences from the day for future, and pull together some sort of official advice points. Also, we'll review translations, materials, and options for marketing and spreading OYC to other areas.

We'll also talk about Occupation plans for this week (there is a Bridge Occupation happening Thursday, OccupYrCorner Chula Vista on Sunday, etc.) and the future ("OccupYrCorner Day", upcoming events, single Corner Occupations). 

Beyond that, I've been staging my own Corner Occupations while walking to do errands. I've been trying to leave a little early and miss each stoplight on purpose, carrying my sign calmly with me as I walk, and proudly when at street corners. So far, and as before, I received a great response from cars passing by with horns honking, thumbs up through widows, as well as waves and smiles from passengers and drivers. I even got a high-five and a "That's Great!" from a fellow pedestrian today. 

Finally, I've been happy to find mentions and talk all over the internet about modifying and motivating the Occupy movement out of the big march int eh street mentality on to the sidewalks, bars, stores, TVs... everywhere! I am so into this movement and this particular concept especially as it all belongs to no one: it is fluid and free, and can be anywhere at all times, in as many ways as we can imagine...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.11.11 - More Shots

Here some more documentation from our first Corner Occupation from the 11.11.11; photography by Merton Gaudette...

Friday, November 11, 2011

OccupYrCorner's First Occupation of Corners

The experiment continues!

We has a great turn out on our very first Occupation of Corners in solidarity with the 11.11.11 World Occupy Day and Veterans Day Parade! After meeting up with the first set of Corner Occupiers, we hopped from Corner to Corner with our Veteran's For Peace allies and quickly realized that our work was not there among the throngs as mere numbers (we would not hold signs in observance of the Veterans out of respect), but as sign-holding points of contact for the San Diegans in the streets of downtown.

With paying our honors to the Veterans that have toiled and sacrificed for our country under our belts, we regrouped at Downtown Johnny Browns with the second wave of Corner Occupiers at the Civic Center.  We then took to the Corners of 4th and 5th along Broadway to help shed some light on the current situations on the national mindset today.

Holding signs, smiling at passerby, answering questions, giving "high-fives", thanking our supporters, and explaining the facts, we all stood for almost two hours bringing to the public consciousness topics such as the global economic crisis, the criminals on Wall Street, the virtues of banking with Credit Unions, the ideals behind shopping locally, and the importance of keeping corporate influence out of politics.

Many thanks to Susan, Tammy, Brenda, Leslie, Pete, Jimmy, Merton, Toby, and all of our online and at work Occupiers who were supporting us throughout the day! 

Next week: Meeting to debrief and talk about our findings in the field, tactics for recruiting new Corner Occupiers, and upcoming dates for Corner Occupations.


It's 11.11.11

It's Veterans Day and World Occupation Day! Help celebrate the plight and struggle of our Veterans as we march to honor them and protest to fight with them for their rights to healthcare, employment, and security. They've fought to make your country secure, why not fight to help secure their and everyone's future?

Luckily, this type of global citation by the majority of the world's population is happening synchronistically all over the planet as millions of people are motivating to the streets and letting their country, financial leaders, and fellow citizens know that "Enough is Enough!" and we are not going to be bailing out bankers failures and governmental greed any more!  The flagrant disrespect and direct attack on the basic human needs of the many of this planet are to be weathered no more!

There is no shortage of resources, there is no lack of understanding on what it means to be hungry, there is no need to re-evaluate another's pain, there is no excuse for denying others the safety of health and the security of trust. There is only a wealth of sociopathic, misanthropic greed.

And we've run out of patience. 

March with us in the streets, stand with us on corners. Get the message of true "change" out: One person, One Corner, One Sign at a time...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Developments for 11.11.11

As we prepare flyers and messages and the like, excitement is in the air for our first offical Corner Occupation tomorrow. Speaking of which, we are meeting tomorrow around 10am at the Civic Center either near Downtown Johnny Browns OR in front of the Metropolitan Credit Union if the Job Fair is roped off...

Here are some visuals are we prepare for 11.11.11 and beyond...