Wednesday, November 16, 2011

OccupYrCorner Meeting 3: Amazing turnout, Amazing minds

To start off, I must send out a large "THANK YOU" to all who came out tonight... the turnout was amazing! We had 8 Occupiers from different areas, backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and interests all pulling together to try and grow new ways in which this movement can spread and inform others about what is going on with the government, the financial sector, and their lives.

A Review of the Agenda:

Review of 1st Corner Occupation:
  • An overall success!
  • Eye-contact is important.
  • Once you get over the initial fear/discomfort, it's exhilarating to just be available to talk to strangers about important things.
  • Make sure to feel every individual out before you even talk to them. "Where are they today?" "Do they want to talk?" "Are they healthy enough to have a conversation right now?"
  • Work with cars as they are waiting at the light
  • Safety - Work out hand signals; get dollar store whistles; arrange a special hollar and keep your eyes on your Corner mates for any trouble they may be in
  • Safety - If confronted by an upset person, if they are yelling try lowering your voice a few levels. Their interest will make them quiet down to hear what you are saying. If they are mentally unwell and raving, try saying repetitive mantras and phrases to confuse them enough for you to exit. 
  • Appearance is important. We want to look as approachable and accessible as possible; your mileage  may vary.
Review of OYC Materials
  • Overall - we are all generally responsible for our own materials; signs should be personally relavant and heart-felt and friendly, not specifically condemning or naming. 
  • Signs - I can help make individual Pocket Protester signs for every one; we did agree some individuality is good, just keep "-Occupy" as the sign-off. 
  • Site - working well; everyone's happy; create a nav bar at top for downloads and info
  • Blog - Collect emails and give accounts to Blog 
  • Flyers - We have Spanish versions coming and other Spanish materials available
  • Flyers - Google Keyword Sheet/Web Address Handout
  • Flyers - We talked about "Arrest Cards" - a card to drop with your info to say you are arrested (heaven forbid) for your other Occupiers to collect and "Thai Flash Cards" - a hand card to flash waist-high at people that says "Occupy" or "" when you make eye contact.
Review of OYC Outreach Ideas
  • During marches: We agree to take it upon ourselves to take our signs to the sidewalks and down intersecting streets as the marches go down their route. The object is to inform people what all the ruckus is about. Let them know their rights are being fought for.
  • We talked about creating a "Look for yourself, I don't want to slant your opinion" approach to getting people onboard 
  • We talked about some colors for outreach materials, orange seemed popular
  • Some slogans to use "Protest everyday, no need to stop!" "No Tent Required!" "Don't Stop Marching!"
  • Talk about the amazing things that happen in one-on-one dialogue;  now that we have their attention, let's talk.
  •  We talked about formulating an "elevator speech" to have on hand in mind for coherence and cohesiveness
  • We reviewed new places to consider - Congressional districts: North Park, Hillcrest, etc.
  • This can be done in your neighborhood, any time, any day. You can always carry a sign, even at your side! 
  • OccupYrBumper Sticker
Review of OYC Schedule
  • Thursday the 17th -  Bridge Occupation - 3 members going to represent, I may occupy a corner somewhere
  • Saturday the 19th - "Knock for Occupation" teach-in at CC at 10am; good informational about talking to the public about this
  • Sunday the 20th - OccupYrCorner Chula Vista is happening; we are arranging schedules and rides
  • Black Friday - We Occupy Corners downtown, schedule forthcoming. Some talk about a Fashion Valley walkthru
  • OccupYrCorner Day - we agreed a weekend day soon. More to come.
Review of Legality Issue
  • Wanted to review any legal issues - so far none to be found
  • We are going to tap a legal advisor
  • Certain precedents and laws are already in place in California which protect protesting in public spaces
  • Unlawful Assembly includes 3 or more people within a certain distance from each other (we will be far apart, one to a corner); causing a disturbance (no yelling, no provocative nature or signage); blocking of traffic or business (Please don't do that)
  • Our Pocket Protester signs are within SDPD size limits
  • "Stand Up or Stand Down" - The group agreed we should officially take a non-violent, escapist posture when confronted by authorities; "we can just move to another corner, or do a Walk." HOWEVER, it is highly impressed that this is purely a personal choice issue: if you want to stand up for your rights and possibly get arrested, that's up to you. We will do everything we can to peacefully film the incident from a distance and begin to get you out immediately.
  • A general Good Neighbor Policy should always be employed.
Review of Stack Items
  • We discussed that materials are a self-made experience, but to sign off with "-Occupy"; I can make personalized Pocket Protesters for anyone
  • Discussed expanding out to a "Bodhisattva Day" of mediation, Occupying the corners of CC with meditators of different faiths
  • Discussed Walk-thru Occupations of Horton Plaza, when eating lunch in restaurants (get a window seat), on trolleys
And finally, wonderfully, it was suggested that we repurpose Martin Niemöller's chilling "First they came. You can just hear the new stanzas write themselves out... 

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.


  1. I put some thought and work on the note I put up on Facebook yesterday morning, linked to the Facebook group and sent to members of the group twice. It's disappointing to not see any of what I wrote reflected here.

    If there was any further comment about the site is that I have a problem with it being monolingual.

  2. From what I can tell, North Park and Hillcrest are in the same congressional district that Downtown is.

    Perhaps the suggestion to Occupy in new locations needs some elaboration?

  3. Hi Diegueno! Thanks for you interest in OccuoYrCorner! As we only started two weeks ago, we have been hard at work getting our materials together. We have a member who has promised to translate everything for us, but as I am unsure if he is a native Spanish speaker, it is taking quite some time! When he is able to pull it all together for us, multi-lingual versions are on the way! Check the 5th bullet point under "Materials" above!

    Much thanks! Occupy!
