Wednesday, November 23, 2011

OccupYrCorner Wednesday - City Heights, San Diego

We celebrated the first weekly OccupYrCorner Wednesday in solidarity with other Corner Occupiers around the world at the invitation of Occupier Gwen in City Heights, San Diego. Known as a rougher area in SD, City Heights is also very busy with foot and road traffic, so it proved to be a great area to reach out and connect with other 99%ers that may be feeling the grind beset America by the Bankster Plutocracy.

Thanks to Occupiers Kenyan, Susan, and Merton for coming out and representing the 99% far from the Civic Center! Check out some of the shots below, by Occupiers Anoki on his smartphone and Occupier Merton Gaudette, a professional photographer.


1 comment:

  1. Energizing event! Wish everyone knew that while City Heights has a rough, marginalized image, it's also got a vibrant international mix, the resettlement destination for many refugees (read, potential strong supporters of peace, equity, & tolerance). Where are we going next?!
